
Śunyata Mantra

Sanskrit: Śunyata MantraTibetan: Shunyata Mantra Recite this mantra before the start of any dharma practice:​ The main body of the yoga meditation begins with the shunyata mantra, first, it’s significant that the words of this mantra are the original Sanskrit – just hearing or reciting them imparts great blessings. Also, this mantra contains a profound...

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Mala Blessing Mantra

Repeat 7 times and blow on your mala, cupped in your hands. This increases the virtue of saying the mantras one billion times. Tibetan script and sanskrit: ༀ་རུ་ཙི་ར་མ་ཎི་པྲ་ཝརྟ་ཡ་ཧཱུཾ། OṂ RUTSIRA MAṆI PRAWARTAYA HŪṂ  Vietnamese phonetics transliteration.  play_circle_filled pause_circle_filled Mala Blessing Mantra save_alt volume_down volume_up volume_off ཀརྨ་རྡོ་རྗེ། Karma Dorje doing an audio recording recitation of the...

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Mantra for Multiplying Virtue

Vietnamese: Câu Chú Tăng Trưởng Công Ðức Recite 7 times. This is like making 100,000 offerings to the Buddhas in their pure lands when we say the seven-limbed prayer. (The first stanza part "encourages” to benefit others and the second stanza part "overcomes" adversity.) Tibetan script: ཨོྃ་སམྦྷ་ར་སམྦྷ་ར་བི་མ་ན་ས་ར་མཧྰ་ཛ་བ་ཧྰུྃ། Om Sambhara Sambhara Bimana Sara Maha Dzawa Hum...

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Five Tathāgatas

Five Tathāgatasalso known as Five Wisdom Dhyāni BuddhasStatue of Five Tathāgatas at Tây Tạng temple in Tỉnh Bình Dương, VNSource of photo: Diệu Tịnh In Vajrayana Buddhism, the Five Tathāgatas (pañcatathāgata) or Five Wisdom Tathāgatas (Chinese: 五智如来; pinyin: Wǔzhì Rúlái), the Five Great Buddhas and the Five Jinas (Sanskrit for "conqueror" or "victor"), are emanations and representations of the five qualities of the Adi-Buddha or "first Buddha" Vairocana or Vajradhara, which is...

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Śākyamuni Buddha

Sanskrit: Śākyamuni Buddha and or Siddhārtha GautamaTibetan: སངས་རྒྱས་ཤཱཀྱ་ཐུབ་པ་ ShakyamuniVietnamese: Đức Phật Thích Ca Mâu Ni Tibetan script and sanskrit with (translated meaning): ཨོཾ་མུ་ནི་མུ་ནི་མ་ཧཱ་མུ་ནི་ཡེ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ། ​Tadyathā: Oṃ Muni Muni Mahāmuni Śākyamuni Svāhā(OM wise one, wise one, greatly wise one, wise one of the Shakyans, Hail!) Śākyamuni’s mantra is a play on his name. Muni means sage. Maha means great....

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Bhaiṣajyaguru (Medicine Buddha)

Medicine Buddha (Mahāyāna form)Sanskrit: BhaiṣajyaguruTibetan: སངས་རྒྱས་སྨན་བླ། Sangyé MenlaVietnamese: Đức Phật Dược Sư Medicine Buddha Sūtra Longer Dhāraṇī in Tibetan script:  ༄༅ༀ་ནམོ་བྷ་ག་བ་ཏེ་བྷཻ་ཥ་ཛྱ་གུ་ཪུ་བཻ་ཌཱུརྻ་པྲ་བྷ་ཪ་ཛཱཡ། ཏ་ཐཱ་ག་ཏཱ་ཡ། ཨརྷ་ཏེ་སམྱཀྶཾ་བུདྡྷ་ཡ། ཏདྱ་ཐཱ། ༀ་བྷཻ་ཥ་ཛྱེ་བྷཻ་ཥ་ཛྱེ་མ་ཧཱ་བྷཻ་ཥ་ཛྱ་ས་མུ་ངྒ་ཧེ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ། OM NAMO BHAGWATE BHEKANDZYE / GURU BEDURYA PRABHA RADZAYA TATAGATAYA / ARHATE SAMYAKSAM BUDDHAYA / TADYATHA OM BHEKANDZYE BHEKANDZYE / MAHA BHEKANDZYE BHEKANDZYE / RADZA SAMUGATE SOHA and Sanskrit: Namo...

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Śūraṅgama Mantra

English: Śūraṅgama Mantra Sanskrit: Sitātapatra Uṣṇīṣa Dhāraṇī Śūraṅgama Dhāraṇī WheelSitātapatroṣṇīṣa Dhāraṇī is also known as the Śūraṅgama Mantra (Mahāyāna)Other names known as: White Parasol Crown Dhāraṇī White Canopy Dhāraṇī White Umbrella MantraSource of Image: padmakumara play_circle_filled pause_circle_filled Śūraṅgama Sanskrit Mantra Recited by K.C. Chen volume_down volume_up volume_off Listen to a recitation of the Śūraṅgama Sanskrit Mantra....

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Maitreya Buddha

Sanskrit: Maitreya Buddha or Maitreynātha in his Vajrayāna formTibetan: བྱམས་པ་ Jampa or བྱམས་པ་མགོན་པོ་Vietnamese: Phật Di Lặc Purifying negative karma especially the hatred and realization of true loving-kindness that brings supreme happiness endlessly and accumulating vast merit. Sanskrit: Oṃ Maitri Mahāmaitri Maitriye Svāhā Vietnamese phonetics transliteration.  play_circle_filled pause_circle_filled Maitreya Buddha Mantra save_alt volume_down volume_up volume_off Tâm...

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Great Compassion Mantra (Vietnamese)

Nguồn ảnh: deviantart Nam Mô Đại Bi Hội Thượng Phật, Bồ Tát (3 lần) Thiên thủ thiên nhãn vô ngại đại bi tâm đà la ni. Nam mô hắc ra đát na đa ra dạ da. Nam mô a lị da bà lô kiết đế thước bát ra da. Bồ đề tát đỏa bà da....

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Tibetan: རྗེ་བཙུན་མི་ལ་རས་པ Jetsün MilarepaVietnamese: Đại Hành Giả Milarepa Tibetan script and sanskrit: ༄ཨོཾ་ཨཱཿ་གུརུ་ཧས་བཛྲ་སརྦ་སིདྡྷི་ཧཱུྂ། ​Oṃ Āḥ Guru Hasavajra Sarvasiddhi Hūṃ Vietnamese phonetics transliteration.  play_circle_filled pause_circle_filled Milarepa Mantra save_alt volume_down volume_up volume_off Tâm Tịnh doing an audio recording recitation of the mantra above.   Tâm Tịnh compiled this page as a supplemental guide and motivational support for...

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Yellow Dzambala

Yellow DzambalaSanskrit: JambhalaTibetan: ཛམ་བྷ་ལ་ Dzambala TsepoVietnamese: Ngài Hoàng Thần TàiYellow Dzambala thangka photo courtesy of Anil Thapa owner of Lumbini Buddhist Art Gallery, Berkeley California. Check out their gallery and let Anil know we sent you. To specifically purify the negative karma of selfishness and stinginess. Tibetan script and sanskrit: ཨོཾ་ཛཾ་བྷ་ལ་ཛ་ལེནྡྲཱ༌ཡེ༌སྭཱ༌ཧཱ། Oṃ Dzaṁbhala Dzalenḍāye Svāhā Vietnamese phonetics transliteration. play_circle_filled pause_circle_filled...

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Uṣṇīṣavijayā Buddha

Sanskrit: Uṣṇīṣavijayā BuddhaTibetan: གཙུག་ཏོར་རྣམ་རྒྱལ་མ་ Tsuktor NamgyälmaVietnamese: Phật Đỉnh Tôn Thắng Phật Mẫu In order to increase longevity, merit and wisdom, especially to eliminate the obstacles of sudden death. Sanskrit dhāraṇī: Namo Bhagavate Trailokya Prativiśiṣṭaya Buddhāya Bhagavate.Tadyathā: Om, Viśodhaya Viśodhaya, Asama-Samasamantāvabhāsa-Spharana Gati Gahana Svabhāva Viśuddhe, Abhiṣiňcatu Mām.Sugata Vara Vacana Amṛta Abhiṣekai Mahā Mantra-Padai.Āhara Āhara Āyuh Saṃ-Dhāraṇi.Śodhaya...

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Sanskrit:  ‎सितातपतत्रा Sitātapatrā or Uṣṇīṣa SitātapatrāAlso known as: White Parasol Umbrella Canopy Goddess Tên Tạng: གདུགས་དཀར་ Dukkar Vietnamese: Bạch Tản Cái Phật MẫuStatue of Sitātapatrā at Leh, Ladakh in Northern, India Tibetan heart dhāraṇī: Also known is the Śūraṅgama Mantra in Mahāyāna texts, (heart) meaning shortened. The extensive Śūraṅgama Mantra would be considered the full dhāraṇī and...

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Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva

Sanrkrit: Kṣitigarbha BodhisattvaTibetan: ས་ཡི་སྙིང་པོ་ Sa'i NyingpoVietnamese: Địa Tạng Vương Bồ Tát Listen to the way a Venerable pronounces and recites each of the long dhāraṇī of the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva in Tibetan.   Lama Lopa Rinpoche advised the practice of Kṣitigarbha to be very effective in preventing and overcoming natural disasters like earthquakes. Playing this dhāraṇī...

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Sukhāvatī-vyūha Dhāraṇī

Western Pure Land of Great Bliss known as SukhāvatīImage Source: Also known as: Pure Land Rebirth Dhāraṇī Vietnamese: Vãng Sanh Chú Đà Ra NiSanskrit dhāraṇī (translated meaning):   Namo Amitābhāya(Homage to Amitābha)Tathāgatāya(Thus-Gone-One)Tadyathā:([the dhāraṇī is] as follows: Oh [Dhāraṇī]) Amṛtabhave(Born from Ambrosia)Amṛtasaṃbhave(Arisen from Ambrosia)Amṛtavikrānte(Surpassing Ambrosia)Amṛtavikrāntagāmini(Reaching Beyond Ambrosia)Gagana Kīrtīchare(Moving in the Resplendence of the Sky !) Svāhā(All...

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Amitāyus Long Life Dhāraṇī

Sanskrit: Amitāyus BuddhaTibetan: ཚེ་དཔག་མེད་ TsepakméVietnamese: Phật Vô Lượng ThọSource of image:   Sanskrit: Aparimitāyurjñānahṛdayadhāraṇī Vietnamese: Vô Lượng Thọ Quyết Định Quang Minh Vương Đà Ra Ni Amitāyus Buddha is the saṃbhogakāya of Amitābha Buddha whom increases longevity, merit and wisdom, especially to eliminate the obstacles of sudden death. Amitāyus Long Life dhāraṇī Tibetan script and...

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Cundī Buddha

Cundī BuddhaIn this image, behind Cundī Buddha is 1000 Arm Chenrezig (Avalokiteśvara) who's holding Amitābha Buddha high above both of them.Vietnamese: Phật Mẫu Chuẩn Đề Newest update 12/01/2019. NOTICE: Some Vietnamese dharma masters advise against reciting Cundī's dhāraṇī for anyone that is married as it may lead one to become a renunciate, it is that...

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Vajra Guru Mantra

Guru Rinpoche PadmasmbhavaTibetan: པདྨཱ་ཀ་ར་, པདྨ་འབྱུང་གནས་ PemajungnéSanskrit: PadmākaraVietnamese: Đức Đạo Sư Liên Hoa Sinh Short mantra in Tibetan script and Sanskrit: ཨོཾ་ཨཱཿཧཱུྃ་བཛྲ་གུ་རུ་པདྨ་སིདྡྷི་ཧཱུྃ༔ Om Ah Hung Benza Guru Péma Siddhi HungOṃ Āḥ Hūṃ Vajraguru Pädmasiddhi Hūṃ Vietnamese phonetics transliteration. play_circle_filled pause_circle_filled Vajra Guru Tibetan Mantra save_alt volume_down volume_up volume_off ཀརྨ་རྡོ་རྗེ། Karma Dorje doing an audio recording recitation...

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Heart Sūtra Mantra (Prajñāpāramitā)

Sanskrit: PrajñāpāramitāTibetan: ཤེས་རབ་ཀྱི་ཕ་རོལ་ཏུ་ཕྱིན་པ་ Yum ChenmoVietnamese: Phật Mẫu Bát NhãSource of image: Bát Nhã Tâm Kinh Sanskrit: Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya English: Heart Sūtra Mantra Tibetan: ཤེས་རབ་ཀྱི་ཕ་རོལ་ཏུ་ཕྱིན་པའི་སྙིང་པོ་ Chöm-Den-De-Ma She-Rab Kyi Pa-Rol-Tu-Chin-Pay   Trì tụng niệm chú này sẽ nhằm dẹp 84.000 phiền não và hiện thực hóa giác ngộ. Chú Phạn ngữ có phiên Âm Việt với...

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Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva

Văn Thù Sư Lợi Bồ TátTên Phạn: Mañjuśrī BodhisattvaTên Tạng: འཇམ་དཔལ་དབྱངས་ Jampalyang Trì tụng thần chú để tịnh hóa những sự tối tăm, trí tuệ thấp, sự lãng quên và hiện thực hóa 7 trí tuệ.   Chú chữ Tạng và Phạn ngữ có Phiên Âm Việt:​ ༀ་ཨ་ར་པ་ཙ་ན་དྷཱི༔ Oṃ A Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhīḥoṃ a...

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Avalokiteśvara (Chenrezig)

Sanskrit: Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva (Mahāyāna form)Also known as the Bodhisattva of CompassionTibetan: སྤྱན་རས་གཟིགས་ Chenrezik or Chenrezig also known as སྤྱན་རས་གཟིགས་དབང་ཕྱུག Chenrezig Wangchuk Vietnamese: Quán Âm Bồ TátChinese: 观音 Guanyin Tibetan script and Sanskrit with (translated meaning): ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པ་དྨེ་ཧཱུྃ།।ॐ मणिपद्मे हूँ ॥ ​Oṁ Mani Padme Hūṁ(O, you who have the jewel and the lotus) General notes: Usually recited...

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Great Compassion Mantra (Tibetan)

Mười Một Mặt, Thiên Thủ Thiên Nhãn Quán Thế Âm Bồ Tát Mười Một Mặt Quan Âm Đại Bi Đà Ra Ni, Thập Nhất Diện Thần Chú Tâm của Thiên Thủ Thiên Nhãn Quán Thế Âm Bồ Tát    Chú Đại Bi Tây Tạng và Phạn ngữ có phiên âm với (dịch nghĩa): ན༌མོ༌རཏྣ༌ཏྲ༌ཡཱ༌ཡ། Namo...

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Green Tārā

Green TārāSanskrit: ŚyāmatārāTibetan: འཕགས་མ་སྒྲོལ་མ་འཇིགས་པ་བརྒྱད་ལས་སྐྱོབ་པ། Drol Jang or Jetsun DölmaVietnamese: Đức Lục Độ MẫuGreen Tārā thangka photo courtesy of Anil Thapa owner of Lumbini Buddhist Art Gallery, Berkeley California. Check out their gallery and let Anil know we sent you. Reciting the Green Tara mantra will help overcome fear and anger, protect us from obstacles and increase our wishes...

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White Tārā

White Tārāwith Amitābha on her crownSanskrit: SitatārāTibetan: སྒྲོལ་དཀར་ DrolkarVietnamese: Bạch Độ MẫuWhite Tārā thangka photo courtesy of Anil Thapa owner of Lumbini Buddhist Art Gallery, Berkeley California. Check out their gallery and let Anil know we sent you. Tibetan script with sanskrit: ༀ་ཏཱ་ཪེ་ཏུ་ཏྟཱ་ཪེ་ཏུ་ཪེ་མ་མ་ཨཱ་ཡུཿ་པུ་ཎྱེ་ཇྙཱ་ན་པུ་ཥྚིཾ་ཀུ་རུ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ། ​Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Mama Ayuḥ Punya Jñānā Puṣtiṃ Kuru Svāhā Vietnamese phonetics transliteration. play_circle_filled...

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Sanskrit: अचल Acala-VidyārājaJapanese: 不動明王 Fudō-myōōTibetan: མི་གཡོ་བ། MiyowaVietnamese: Bất Động Minh Vương Sanskrit mantra with (translated meaning): Namaḥ Samantavajrānāṃ Caṇḍa-Mahāroṣaṇa-Sphoṭaya Hūṃ Traṭ Hāṃ Māṃ(Homage to the all-pervading Vajras! O Violent One of great wrath! Destroy! hūṃ traṭ hāṃ māṃ) Vietnamese phonetics transliteration. play_circle_filled pause_circle_filled Acala-Vidyārāja Mantra save_alt volume_down volume_up volume_off ཀརྨ་རྡོ་རྗེ། Karma Dorje doing an audio recording recitation...

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100 Syllable Vajrasattva Mantra

Sanskrit: VajrasattvaTibetan: རྡོ་རྗེ་སེམས་དཔའ་ Dorje Sempa 100 syllable Vajrasattva mantra is for purification of negative karma and repentance practice. Tibetan script and Sanskrit mantra (with short translated meaning): ཨོཾ་ OMOṃ(Syllable of the most supreme exclamation of praise). བཛྲ་སཏྭ་ས་མ་ཡ་ BENZAR SATO SA MA YAVajrasattva Samaya(Vajrasattva’s Samaya),  མ་ནུ་པ་ལ་ཡ།།  བཛྲ་སཏྭ་ MA NU PA LA YA BENZAR SATOManupālaya Vajrasattva(O Vajrasattva,...

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