Śūraṅgama Mantra

English: Śūraṅgama Mantra
Sanskrit: Sitātapatra Uṣṇīṣa Dhāraṇī
Śūraṅgama Dhāraṇī Wheel
Sitātapatroṣṇīṣa Dhāraṇī is also known as the Śūraṅgama Mantra (Mahāyāna)

Other names known as:
White Parasol Crown Dhāraṇī
White Canopy Dhāraṇī
White Umbrella Mantra

Source of Image: padmakumara
  • Listen to a recitation of the Śūraṅgama Sanskrit Mantra.

  • Overview of the Śūraṅgama Mantra Devanagari Version – Lines 1 through 112: Uṣṇīṣa Sitātapatrā White Umbrella Canopy Goddess Dhāraṇī by Venerable Losang Jinpa referencing Master Hsuan Hua teachings.

  • Shurangama Mantra Meditation Dharma Talk 000 Lines 1-9 – Refuge in Triple Jewel of Buddhism by Venerable Losang Jinpa

  • Shurangama Mantra Sutra – Line 143: E li ye dwo la Arya Tara – Medicine Buddha, Akshobhya, Amitabha, Avalokiteshvara, Vajrapani, Buddhist Meditation – Vajrayana Siddham Hindu Sanskrit Mantra Chanting Highest Yoga Tantra by Venerable Losang Jinpa

  • Listen to a detailed commentary of the Śūraṅgama Mantra by Venerable Losang Jinpa referencing Master Hsuan Hua teachings.

This extensive mantra references Buddhist deities, collectively within 5 Assemblies and sections in the longer sanskrit version shared below with the audio chant recording above to follow along. The Assembly mentions of gods, heavenly beings, bodhisattvas Mañjuśrī, Mahākāla, Sitātapatrā, Vajrapāni and the Five Dhyani Buddhas that include: (Vairocana, Amoghasiddhi, Amitābha, Ratnasambhava and Akṣobhya Buddha) and especially the Buddha of healing Bhaiṣajyaguru otherwise also known as Medicine Buddha or Sangyé Menla in Tibetan.

Śūraṅgama Heart Mantra – 楞嚴心咒

Importance of the Śūraṅgama Mantra by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua:

When there is no longer anyone who can recite the Śūraṅgama Mantra, then very quickly the world will be destroyed, because the Proper Dharma no longer abides.

As long as there is even one person who can recite the Śūraṅgama Mantra, the demons, ghosts, and strange entities don’t dare show themselves in this world.

They fear the mantra.

But when not even one person can recite the Śūraṅgama Mantra by heart, then those weird entities, those demons and ghosts will come out of hiding. Depraved and up to no good, they will not be recognized by most people. At this point in time, since there are still those who can recite the mantra from memory, those malevolent beings haven’t made their appearance yet. And so, if you want to keep the world from being destroyed, quickly learn the Śūraṅgama Mantra and read the Śūraṅgama Sūtra to keep the Proper Dharma in the world.

Śūraṅgama Heart Mantra in Sanskrit:

Tadyathā oṃ anale viśade vīra-vajra-dhare bandha bandhani vajra-pāniḥ phaṭ hūṃ trūṃ phaṭ svāhā.


Vietnamese (Lăng Nghiêm Tâm Chú):

Nam Mô Lăng Nghiêm Hội Thượng Phật Bồ Tát.

Đát điệt tha, án-a na lệ tỳ xá đề bệ ra bạt xà ra đà rị.

Bàn đà bàn đà nễ, bạt xà ra báng ni phấn

hổ hồng đô lô ung phấn, ta bà ha.



跢 姪 他唵阿那隸毗舍提鞞囉跋闍囉陀唎槃


Master Hsuan Hua’s commentary from the Śūraṅgama Sūtra contains a brief introduction about the Śūraṅgama Mantra:

The 5 Sections of the Śūraṅgama Mantra

The mantra has five divisions which correspond to the five directions : North, South, East, West, and the Middle. 

  • The Eastern division is the Vajra division, with Akṣobhya Buddha as the teaching host.

  • The Southern division is the Production-of-Jewels division, with Production-of-Jewels Buddha as the teaching host. 

  • The Central division is the Buddha division, with Śākyamuni Buddha as the teaching host.

  • The Western division is the Lotus division, with Amitābha Buddha as the teaching host.

  • The Northern division is the Karma division, with Accomplishment Buddha as the teaching host. 

There are five divisions, because there are five huge demonic armies in this world. There are demons to the east, south, west, north, and in the center. Since there are these five demon armies, not just five demons, the Buddhas also cover the five directions to suppress the demons. If there were no Buddhas, the demons could appear openly in the world.

Within the 5 divisions of the mantra there are, in general, more than 30 dharmas, and it has more than 100 dharmas that can be discussed in detail. 

There are 5 major kinds of dharmas:

1. Dharmas of accomplishment. This means that with this dharma, you will be successful in what you seek or in what you vow or wish for.

2. Dharmas of increasing benefit. This means that when you recite this mantra, you can increase benefits which you yourself seek and you can also increase benefits for other people.

3. Dharmas of hooking and summoning. This means, literally, to “hook in” and catch and to call with a command all the weird beings, demons, and ghosts. No matter how far away they might be from you, you can bring them in and capture them. For instance, suppose one of them is harming someone, and when they finish they run away. If one knows how to use the dharma of hooking and summoning, then no matter how far that being may have run, you can arrest him.

4. Dharmas of subduing. Demons also have spiritual penetrations and mantras which they use. When you recite your mantras, they recite their mantras. But if you can use the Śūraṅgama Mantra, you can smash through all their mantras. I’ve told you before about the section of the mantra which is for smashing the demon kings. It also is effective in destroying their mantras and spells. Although I’ve taught you this already, it bears repeating here. Those who have not studied this yet can take note of it. Why was it that as soon as the Śūraṅgama Mantra was recited the former Brahma Heaven mantra lost its effectiveness? It was because of the “Five Great Heart Mantras.”

Chr Two Ni
E Jya La
Mi Li Ju
Bwo Li Dan La Ye
Ning Jye Li

These five lines are called the “Five Great Heart Mantras.” It is the fundamental mantra for destroying the mantras and spells of the heavenly demons and adherents of externalist ways. It doesn’t matter what kind of mantra they come up with; you can destroy it with this one. Their mantras will lose their effectiveness.

5. Dharmas of dispelling disasters. Whatever calamity is due to occur can be prevented. For instance, suppose a person was due to fall into the sea and drown, but by reciting the Śūraṅgama Mantra, he avoids the catastrophe. He might fall into the sea, but he doesn’t drown. Perhaps you are in a boat that ought to sink, but you recite this mantra and the boat does not go down. Maybe you’re in an airplane that is destined to crash, but you recite the Śūraṅgama Mantra and the plane lands without incident. I’ll tell you something incredible. I was going from Burma to Thailand, an air route that is particularly dangerous. But during that trip, the plane didn’t show the effects of any turbulence. The ride was absolutely smooth. Even the pilot commented, “Why has it been such smooth going on this trip?” He had no idea that during that ride the gods, dragons, and the rest of the eightfold division, as well as Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, were on all sides of the airplane guarding and protecting it. That’s the way the dharma of dispelling disasters works. When there clearly should be an accident, it can change big disasters to small ones and make small ones never even happen. Usually what happens is there’s “alarm but no danger” if you recite the Śūraṅgama Mantra.

In general, the mantra contains dharmas of auspiciousness. This means that when you recite the Śūraṅgama Mantra, everything goes just as you’d like it to. It’s really lucky and extremely auspicious.

The advantages of the mantra are so many that one could not even begin to express them in several years time. But at this time, I’ll limit my explanation to these few dharmas and meanings.

Śūraṅgama Mantra Assembly of Buddhas and Gods

(The entire, longer, more powerful and complete mantra in Sanskrit)


Namaḥ sarva buddha bodhi-satve-bhyaḥ
Namaḥ saptānāṃ samyak-saṃbuddha koṭīnāṃ sa-śrāvaka saṃghānāṃ Namo loke arhattāṃ
Namaḥ srotāpannānāṃ
Namaḥ sakṛdāgāmināṃ.
Namaḥ anāgāmināṃ.
Namo loke samyag-gatānāṃ samyak-prati-pannānāṃ
Namo devarṣiṇāṃ
Namaḥ siddha-vidyā-dhāra-rṣiṇāṃ, śāpānugraha-samarthānāṃ. Namo brahmaṇe. Namaḥ indrāya.
Namo bhagavate rudrāya umāpati-sahīyāya.
Namo bhagavate nārāyaṇāya, 
lakṣmi paṃca-mahā-mudrā namas-kṛtāya.

Namo bhagavate mahā-kālāya, tripura-nagara-vidrāpaṇa-karāya, adhi-muktaka śmaśāna-vāsine, mātṛ-gaṇa namas-kṛtāya.
Namo bhagavate tathāgata kulāya.
Namo bhagavate padma kulāya.
Namo bhagavate vajra kulāya.
Namo bhagavate maṇi kulāya.
Namo bhagavate gaja-kulāya.
Namo bhagavate dṛḍha-śūra-sena-pra-haraṇa-rājāya, tathāgatāya arhate samyak-saṃbuddhāya.
Namo bhagavate amitābhāya, tathāgatāya arhate samyak-saṃbuddhāya. Namo bhagavate akṣobhyāya, tathāgatāya arhate samyak-saṃbuddhāya. Namo bhagavate bhaiṣajya-guru-vaiḍūrya-prabha-rājāya, tathāgatāya arhate samyak-saṃbuddhāya.
Namo bhagavate saṃpuṣpita-sālendra-rājāya,
tathāgatāya arhate samyak-saṃbuddhāya.
Namo bhagavate śākyamunaye,
tathāgatāya arhate samyak-saṃbuddhāya.
Namo bhagavate ratna-kusuma-ketu-rājāya,
tathāgatāya arhate samyak-saṃbuddhāya. 
Teṣāṃ namas-kṛtva imāṃ bhagavata stathāgatoṣṇīṣaṃ,

Sitātapatraṃ namāparājitaṃ pratyaṅgirāṃ. Sarva bhūta-graha nigraha-karaṇīṃ.
Para vidyā cchedanīṃ.
Akālaṃ-mṭtyu pari-trāṇa-karīṃ.
Sarva bandhana mokṣaṇīṃ.
Sarva duṣṭa duḥ-svapna nivāraṇīṃ. Caturaśītīnāṃ graha sahsrāṇāṃ vi-dhvaṃsana-karīṃ. Aṣṭā-viṃśatināṃ nakśatrāṇāṃ vi-dhvaṃsana-karīṃ. Sarva śatrū nivāraṇīṃ.
Ghoraṃ duḥ-svapnānāṃ ca nāśanīṃ.
Viṣa śastra agni uttaraṇīṃ. Aparājitaṃ mahā-ghorāṃ, Mahā-balām mahā-caṇḍāṃ mahā-dīptaṃ mahā-tejaṃ, Mahā-śvetām mahā-jvalaṃ mahā-balā pāṇḍara-vāsinī Ārya-tārā bhṛkuṭīṃ ceva vijaya vajra-maleti vi-śrutāṃ, Padmaṃkaṃ vajra-jihva ca mālā-cevāparājita, Vajrā daṇḍīṃ viśālā ca śanta vaideva-pūjitāṃ, Saumya-rūpaṃ mahā-śvetā,
Ārya-tārā mahā-bala aparā vjra śaṇkalā ceva, Vajra kaumāri kulan-dharī, 
Vajra hastā ca mahā-vidyā kāṃcana mālikā,

Kusuṃbhā ratna ceva vairocanā kulāthadāṃ uṣṇīṣa, vi-jṛmbha-mānā ca savajra kanaka prabha locana, vajrā tuṇḍī ca śvetā ca kamalākṣī śaśī-prabha, ityete mudra gaṇā, sarve rakṣaṃ kurvantu mama sarva satvānāṃ ca.


Oṃ ṛṣi-gaṇa praśāstaya sarva
tathāgatoṣṇīṣāya hūṃ trūṃ.
Jambhana-kara hūṃ trūṃ.
Stambhana-kara hūṃ trūṃ.
Mohana-kara hūṃ trūṃ.
Mathana-kara hūṃ trūṃ.
Para-vidyā saṃ-bhakṣaṇa-kara hūṃ trūṃ.
Sarva duṣṭānāṃ stambhana-kara hūṃ trūṃ.
Sarva yakṣa rākṣasa grahāṇāṃ, vi-dhvaṃsana-kara hūṃ trūṃ. Caturaśītīnāṃ graha sahasrāṇāṃ. vi- dhvaṃsana-kara hūṃ trūṃ. Aṣṭā-viṃśatīnāṃ nakṣatrānāṃ pra-sādana-kara hūṃ trūṃ. Aṣṭānāṃ mahā-grahāṇāṃ utsādana-kara hūṃ trūṃ.

Rakṣa rakṣa māṃ.
Bhagavan stathāgatoṣṇīṣa
sitātapatra mahā vajroṣṇīṣa,
mahā pratyaṅgire mahā sahasra-bhuje sahasra-śīrṣe. koṭī-śata sahasra-netre, abhedya jvalitā-taṭaka, mahā-vjrodāra tṛ-bhuvana maṇḍala.
Oṃ svastir bhavatu māṃ mama.


Rāja-bhayā cora-bhayā udaka-bhayā agni-bhayā, viṣa-bhayā śastra-bhayā para-cakra-bhayā du-bhikṣa-bhayā, aśani- bhayā akāla-mṛtyu-bhayā dharaṇī-bhūmi-kampā-bhayā ulkā-pāta-bhayā, rāja-daṇḍa-bhayā suparṇi-bhayā nāga-bhayā vidyut-bhayā. Deva-grahā nāga-grahā yakṣa-grahā rākṣasa-grahā preta-grahā, piśāca-grahā bhūta-grahā kumbhaṇḍa-grahā pūtana-grahā, kaṭa-pūtana-grahā skanda-grahā apasmāra-grahā utmāda-grahā, cchāya-grahā revati-grahā jamika-grahā kaṇṭha-kamini-grahā.
Ojāhāriṇyā garbhāhāriṇyā jātāhāriṇyā jīvitāhāriṇya, 
rudhirāhāriṇyā vasāhāriṇyā māṃsāhāriṇyā medāhāriṇyā,

majjāhāriṇyā vāntāhāriṇyā asucyāhāriṇyā ciccāhāriṇyā, teṣāṃ sarveṣāṃ.
Sarva grahāṇāṃ vidyāṃ cchinda-yāmi kīla-yāmi. Pari-brajāka kṛtāṃ vidyāṃ cchinda-yāmi kīla-yāmi. Ḍāka-ḍākinī kṛtāṃ vidyāṃ cchinda-yāmi kīla-yāmi Mahā-paśupati rudra kṛtāṃ vidyāṃ cchinda-yāmi kīla-yāmi. Nārāyaṇā paṃca mahā mudrā kṛtāṃ vidyāṃ cchinda-yāmi kīla-yāmi Tatva garuḍa sahīyāya kṛtāṃ vidyāṃ cchinda-yāmi kīla-yāmi Mahā-kāla mātṛgaṇa sahīyāya kṛtāṃ vidyāṃ cchinda-yāmi kīla-yāmi. Kāpālika kṛtāṃ vidyāṃ cchinda-yāmi kīla-yāmi.
Jayakarā madhukara sarvārtha-sādhaka kṛtāṃ,
vidyāṃ cchinda-yāmi kīla-yāmi
Catur-bhaginī bhratṛ-paṃcama sahīyāya kṛtāṃ,
vidyāṃ cchinda-yāmi kīla-yāmi.
Bhṛṅgi-riṭika nandi-keśvara gaṇapati sahīya kṛtāṃ,
vidyāṃ cchinda-yāmi kīla-yāmi.
Nagna-śramaṇa kṛtāṃ vidyāṃ cchinda-yāmi kīla-yāmi. Arhanta kṛtāṃ vidyāṃ cchinda-yāmi kīla-yāmi.
Vīta-rāga kṛtāṃ vidyāṃ cchinda-yāmi kīla-yāmi. 
Vajra-pāṇi guhyakādhipati kṛtāṃ vidyāṃ cchinda-yāmi kīla-yāmi.

Rakṣa rakṣa māṃ.


Bhagavata stathāgatoṣīṣaṃ sitātapatraṃ namo-stute. Asitānalārka prabha-sphuṭa vikasitātapatre.
Jva jvala dhaka-khaka vidhaka-vidhaka dara dara vidara vidara, cchinda cchinda bhinda bhinda, hūṃ hūṃ phaṭ! phaṭ! svāhā. Hehe phaṭ. Amogha phaṭ. Apratihata phaṭ. Vara-prada phaṭ. Asura vidrāpaka phaṭ. Sarva deve-bhyah phaṭ. Sarva nāge-bhyaḥ phaṭ Sarva yakṣe-bhyaḥ phaṭ. Sarva rākṣase-bhyaḥ phaṭ.
Sarva garuḍe-bhyaḥ phaṭ. Sarva gāndharve-bhyaḥ phaṭ.
Sarva asure-bhyaḥ phaṭ. Sarva kindare- bhyaḥ phaṭ.
Sarva mahorage- bhyaḥ phaṭ. Sarva manuṣe- bhyaḥ phaṭ.
Sarva amanuṣe- bhyaḥ phaṭ. Sarva bhūte- bhyaḥ phaṭ.
Sarva piśāce- bhyaḥ phaṭ. Sarva kumbhaṇḍe- bhyaḥ phaṭ. Sarva pūtane- bhyaḥ phaṭ. Sarva kaṭa-pūtane- bhyaḥ phaṭ. Sarva dur-laṅghite- bhyaḥ phaṭ. Sarva duṣ-prekṣite- bhyaḥ phaṭ. Sarva jvare- bhyaḥ phaṭ. Sarva apasmāre- bhyaḥ phaṭ.
Sarva śramaṇe- bhyaḥ phaṭ. Sarva tirthike- bhyaḥ phaṭ. 
Sarva utmāde- bhyaḥ phaṭ. Sarva vidyā-rājācārye- bhyaḥ phaṭ.

Jayakarā madhukara sarvārtha-sādhake- bhyaḥ phaṭ.
Sarva vidyācārye- bhyaḥ phaṭ. Catur bhaginī- bhyaḥ phaṭ. Vajra kaumārī kulan-dharī mahā-vidyā-rājebhyaḥ phaṭ. Mahā-pratyaṅgire-bhyaḥ phaṭ. Vajra śankalāya phaṭ. Mahā-pratyaṅgira-rājāya phaṭ.
Mahā-kālāya mahā-mātṛ-gaṇa namas-kṛtāya phaṭ. Vaisnavīye phaṭ. Brahmaṇīye phaṭ. Agnīye phaṭ. Mahā-kālīye phaṭ. Kāla-daṇḍīye phaṭ. Indrīye phaṭ. Raudrīye phaṭ. Cāmuṇḍīye phaṭ. Kāla-rātrīye phaṭ.. Kāpālīye phaṭ. Adhi-muktaka śmaśāna vāsinīye phaṭ.
Yeke-citta satva mama.


Duṣṭa-cittā pāpa-cittā raudra-cittā vi-dveṣa amaitra-cittā. Utpāda-yanti kīla-yanti mantra-yanti japanti juhvanti. Ojāhārā garbhāhārā rudhirāhārā vasāhārā, majjāhārā jātāhārā jīvitāhārā malyāhārā, gandhāhārā puṣpāhārā phalāhārā sasyāhārā. Pāpa-cittā duṣṭa-cittā raudra-cittā. 
Yakṣa-graha rākṣasa-graha preta-graha piśāca-graha,

bhūta-graha kumbhaṇḍa-graha skanda-graha utmāda-graha, cchāya-graha apasmāra-graha ḍāka-ḍākinī-graha, revati-graha jamika-graha śakuni-graha mantra-nandika-graha, lamvika-graha hanu kaṇṭha-pāṇi-graha.
Jvara ekāhikā dvaitīyakā straitīyakā catur-thakā. Nitya-jvarā viṣama-jvarā vatikā paittikā,
śleṣmikā san-nipatikā sarva-jvarā.
Śirortti ardhavabhedaka arocaka,
akṣi-rogaṃ nasa-rogaṃ mukha-rogaṃ hṛd-rogaṃ gala-grahaṃ, karnṇa-śūlaṃ danta-śūlaṃ hṛdaya-śūlaṃ marma- śūlaṃ, pārśva-śūlaṃ pṛṣṭha-śūlaṃ udara-śūlaṃ kaṇṭī-śūlaṃ, vasti-śūlaṃ ūru-śūlaṃ jāṅgha-śūlaṃ hasta-śūlaṃ, pāda-śūlaṃ sarvāṅga-pratyaṅga-śūlaṃ.
Bhūta vetāḍa ḍāka-ḍākinī jvara.
Dadru kāṇḍu kiṭibhalotavai sarpa-lohāliṅga,
śūṣatra sagara viśa-yoga,
agni udaka mara vaira kāntāra akālaṃ-mṛtyu.
Traibuka trai-laṭaka vṛścika sarpa nakula,
siṃgha vyāghra ṛkṣa tarakṣa mṛga,

sva-para jīva teṣāṃ sarveṣāṃ.
ṣitātapatraṃ mahā-vjroṣṇīṣaṃ mahā-pratyaṅgiraṃ. Yāvadvā-daśa yojanābhyantareṇa, sīmā-bandhaṃ karomi, diśā-bandhaṃ karomi, pāra-vidyā-bandhaṃ karomi, tejo-bandhaṃ karomi, hasta-bandhaṃ karomi , pāda-bandhaṃ karomi, sarvāṅga-pratyaṅga-bandhaṃ karomi.
Tadyathā: Oṃ anale anale viśade viśade vīra vjra-dhare, bandha bandhani, vajra-pāṇi phaṭ! hūṃ trūṃ phaṭ! svāhā. Namaḥ stathāgatāya sugatāya arhate samyak-saṃbuddhāya, siddhyantu mantra-pada svāhā.

Uṣṇīṣa Sitātapatrā statue in Leh, Ladakh Northern India.
Uṣṇīṣa Sitātapatrā statue in Leh, Ladakh Northern India.

Photo source: Wikipedia
Uṣṇīṣa Sitātapatrā thangka photo courtesy of Anil Thapa owner of Lumbini Buddhist Art Gallery, Berkeley California. Check out their gallery and let Anil know we sent you.


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