The Dhāraṇī of Lapis Light that Generates the Power of the Tathāgata’s Samādhi (The Concise Medicine Medicine Buddha Sūtra)

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Translated from the Tibetan by Erick Tsiknopoulos
In the Indian Language [Sanskrit]: Ārya Tathāgata Vaiḍūrya Prabha nāma Bala Dhana Samādhi Dhāraṇī(ārya-tathāgata-vaiḍūrya-prabha-nāma-bala-dhana-samādhi-dhāraṇī)
In the Tibetan Language:
[1. actual title] P’akpa Dézhinshekpay Tingngédzin gyi Top Kyeypa Baidūryay Ö cheyjaway Zung (‘phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa’i ting nge ‘dzin gyi stobs bskyed pa baidūrya’i ‘od ces bya ba’i gzungs)
[2. ‘Nickname’ –Men Do Düpa (sman mdo bsdus pa)]
In the English Language: 1. Sanskrit title: Lapis Light of the Exalted Tathāgata: A Strength-Generating Dhāraṇī of Meditative Immersion
2. Tibetan title: The Exalted Dhāraṇīof Lapis Light that Generates the Power of the Tathāgata’s Samādhi
3. Tibetan ‘Nickname’: The Concise Medicine Buddha Sūtra
Thus have I heard: At one time, the Bhagavān was dwelling in the Abode of Medicine, together in one company with a great congregation of monks and a great congregation of bodhisattvas, and it was at that moment that the Bhagavān entered into the meditative immersion known as ‘Invoking the Field of the Buddha’.