Minor Site Obstacles Observed

We wanted to address minor technical site obstacles that we had observed earlier this past week and it of course brought our website down for an entire day, thus the reason why our guest vistors experienced it first hand as well.

We acted as fast as we could and made the choice to move over to another web server host along with copying all of the recently rebuilt data the past month from our relaunch, over to this new host in less than a few hours. This would technically make this our third web host that we have historically called home and we hope things will be more stable moving forward into the future.

While we are on the subject of stability, we also wanted to address the slow access of our site when opening up posts, pages and or links; and that is because we are actually doing an actual live update at that very moment in time of us adding a new page and or editing an existing page on the site. This page in reference is generally a transferred page from our old website, that is more recent and updated with even more relevant information and new research involved. Generally, adding a new post is fast and instantaneous, but a page (pages are listed on the drop down menu) takes more system resources and whenever things take more resources it will also take more time to load.

Because of this technical limitation, it will also slow down all guest visitors at that very moment whenever we are doing a live update.  Luckily we aren’t always working on the website and that is why there will be times when the site loads up really fast for a good period of time and there will be other times it will not, when it doesn’t, please know we are doing an actual live update with either a new page or an existing one. We apologize for this inconvenience and hope you can forgive us as we are a very small team here.

We hope this clears up things for guest.

A simple dedication of merits prayer in Vietnamese:

Nguyện đem công đức này
Hướng về khắp tất cả
Đệ tử và chúng sanh
Đều trọn thành Phật đạo.
Nói tụi tao làm cái website này hồi hướng cho tụi bây luôn đó!


Chia sẻ là yêu thương! - Sharing is caring!

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