The text introduces the heart dhāraṇī of the Bodhisattva, Avalokiteśvara, as the following lines, translated by Professor Abe indicate:
Bhagavat [World-Honored One; the Buddha], this dhāraṇī of mine [Avalokiteśvara] is impregnated with magnificent power. A single recitation will instantaneously eliminate the four cardinal sins and release all the sinners in the five eternal hells. How much greater power will be attained by the practitioner who studies it as I will describe now!
Later, the Bodhisattva states: There may be a practitioner who recites the names of all the Buddhas for hundreds, thousands, millions and billions of times. However, if there is a practitioner who recites my name even for a short moment, the latter’s merit will equal that accrued by the practice of the former…Then much how much greater merit will be attained by those who chant my dhāraṇī, memorize it and practice it as I will describe now!
ན༌མོ༌རཏྣ༌ཏྲ༌ཡཱ༌ཡ། ན༌མཿ༌ཨཱཪྱ༌ཛྙཱ༌ན༌ས༌ག༌ར། བཻ༌རོ༌ཙ༌ན༌བྻཱུ༌ཧ༌རཱ༌ཛཱ༌ཡ། ཏ༌ཐཱ༌ག༌ཏཱ༌ཡ། ཨརྷ༌ཏེ༌སམྱཀ༌སམྦུ༌དྡྷཱ༌ཡ། ན༌མཿ༌སརྦ༌ཏ༌ཐཱ༌ག༌ཏ༌བྷྱཿ། ཨརྷཏེབྷྱཿ༌སམྱཀ༌སམྦུ༌དྡྷེ༌བྷྱཿ༌ན། མཿ༌ཨཱརྱ༌ཨ༌ཝ༌ལོ༌ཀི༌ཏེ༌ཤྭ༌རཱ༌ཡ། བོ༌དྷིི༌སཏྟྭ༌ཡ། མཧཱ༌ས༌ཏྟྭ༌ཡ། མཧཱ༌ཀ༌རུ༌ཎི༌ཀཱ༌ཡ། ཏདྱ༌ཐཱ། ༀ༌དྷ༌ར༌དྷ༌ར། དྷི༌རི༌དྷི༌རི། དྷུ༌རུ༌དྷུ༌རུ། ཨི༌ཊྚི༌ཝ༌ཊྚི། ཙ༌ལེ༌ཙ༌ལེ། པྲ༌ཙ༌ལེ༌པྲ༌ཙ༌ལེ། ཀུ༌སུ༌མེ༌ཀུ༌སུ༌མེ༌ཝ༌རེ། ཨི༌ལི༌མི༌ལི། ཙི༌ཏི༌ཛཱ༌ལ༌ཨ༌པ༌ན༌ཡེ༌སྭཱཧཱ ༎
Namo Ratna Trayāya Namaḥ Ārya Jñāna Sāgara Vairocana Vyūha Rājāya Tathāgatāya Arhate Samyak Sambuddhaya Namah Sarva Tathagatebyah Arhatebhyaḥ Samyaksaṃbuddhe Byaḥ Namaḥ Arya Avalokite Śvarāya Boddhisattvāya Mahāsattvāya Mahākāruṇikāya Tadyathā Oṃ Dhara Dhara Dhiri Dhiri Dhuru Dhuru Ite Vatte Cale Cale Pra Cale Pra Cale Kusume Kusume Vare Ili Mili Citijvala māpanāye Svāhā _()_
Vietnamese translation by Pema Choedon པདྨ་ཆོས་སྒྲོན available here.
Compiled by Karma Dorje ཀརྨ་རྡོ་རྗེ།.